Community Input is Shaping the CSAP
A Community-Driven Process
Stakeholder input is critical in our planning efforts. Aligned with SPAG’s philosophy that more can be accomplished by acting together rather than alone, we believe that engagement and collaboration from our member counties and cities will ensure we develop a plan that reflects the needs and priorities of the population we collectively represent.
Steering Committee
The steering committee includes representatives of engineering, enforcement, education, emergency medical services, elected officials, and transportation providers. Participants provide leadership commitment and feedback throughout the development process, including collaboratively developing a vision statement and goals for the CSAP. The committee assists and provides resources to implement the CSAP, helps to identify and prioritize projects for the CSAP that align with its vision and goals, and monitors progress. The committee meets every two months.
Stakeholder Workshops
SPAG will host three stakeholder workshops between fall 2024 and spring 2025. Your participation enables SPAG to better understand the safety concerns and challenges facing all stakeholders in the affected communities and helps ensure comprehensive representation in developing solutions.
Workshop #1: Listening session and project introduction.
Workshop #2: Data analysis, identification of problem areas, and potential countermeasures.
Workshop #3: Recommended safety strategies, safety projects, and draft CSAP outline.